Past Exhibitions

To learn more about an exhibition, click on the title or accompanying image.


stop, collaborate, listen
January 15–February 25, 2025

Associated Artists of Pittsburgh Exhibition Space
100 43rd St. Unit 107.
Pittsburgh, PA 15201



110th Annual Exhibition
September 12-January 12, 2024

SPACE Gallery
812 Liberty Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15222

114 X 114
Exhibition + Online Store
In-Person: November 15—December 23, 2024
Online: November 18, 2024—January 6, 2025 

Associated Artists of Pittsburgh Exhibition Space
100 43rd St. Unit 107.
Pittsburgh, PA 15201

WE: Within Environment, Environment Within
An exhibition of works by artists Theresa Antonellis and Barbara Westman
September 21-November 1, 2024

Associated Artists of Pittsburgh Exhibition Space
100 43rd St. Unit 107.
Pittsburgh, PA 15201

2024 New Member Exhibition
August 3rd - September 12th

Associated Artists of Pittsburgh Exhibition Space
100 43rd St. Unit 107
Pittsburgh, PA 15201

Summer Variety: Online Store
June 17th - September 10th

Curated by Kelly Dietrick of Troppus Projects

You’re Doing It Wrong
June 1st - July 26th

Associated Artists of Pittsburgh Exhibition Space
100 43rd St. Unit 107
Pittsburgh, PA 15201

March 9th - May 17th

Associated Artists of Pittsburgh Exhibition Space
100 43rd St. Unit 107
Pittsburgh, PA 15201

January 25th–April 5th, 2024

Saint Vincent College 
Verostko Center for the Arts
300 Fraser Purchase Road
Latrobe, PA 15650 

Organized by Verostko Center for the Arts

January 16 – March 7, 2024

Robert Morris University
Media Arts Gallery
6001 University Blvd, Wheatley Center
Moon Township, PA 15108

CCS + AAP Fiber Art Exhibition
January 12-Febuary 23, 2024

Associated Artists of Pittsburgh Exhibition Space
100 43rd St. Unit 107
Pittsburgh, PA 15201


Our 2024 Programming Season was made possible by our 2024 Annual Fund.

2024 Annual Fund Donors: Ken Antol, Marina Balko, Gavin Benjamin, Lisa Bergant Koi, Christie Biber, Cory Bonnet, Michelle Browne, Janet Carlisle, Vicky Clark, Christina Cochran, Sheila Cuellar-Shaffer, Debbie Dick and Art Stroyd, Dan Droz, James Frantz, lorraine Free, Joseph and Maria Gent, Madeline Gent, Doreen Grasso, Starr Hackwelder, Adrienne Heinrich, Laura and Kevin Horner, Leo Hsu, Veronica Jancuk, Chris King, Frank and Regina Klinger, Sallyann Kluz, Robert Kubiak, Lars Kuehn, Penny Mateer, Julie and David McCandless, Robert McKee, Jon Meyers, Evan Mirapual, Thaddeus Mosley, Alison Oehler, Linda Price-Sneddon, Erin Riggi and Senator Pat Stefano, Liz Rudnick, Peter Shebell, Kathryn Stanko, Natalie Sweet, Mia Tarducci, Conn and Maria Thiemann, W. Benjamin Thomas, Ann Thompson, Sadie Treeses, Tina Williams Brewer, and Brian Wongchaowart.

To learn more about supporting Associated Artists of Pittsburgh and giving options, visit


113 X 113
Exhibition + Online Store
Gallery: November 10–December 22, 2023
Online: November 11, 2023–January 5, 2024

Associated Artists of Pittsburgh Exhibition Space
100 43rd St. Unit 107
Pittsburgh, PA 15201


October 6 – November 17, 2023

Tomayko Foundation
5173 Liberty Ave
Pittsburgh, PA

Cutting Holes For Eyes

Cutting Holes For Eyes
Works by Nicole Czapinski & Centa Schumacher
September 29-November 4, 2023

Associated Artists of Pittsburgh Exhibition Space
100 43rd St. Unit 107
Pittsburgh, PA 15201


Wade Kramm
August 5-September 15, 2023

Associated Artists of Pittsburgh Exhibition Space
100 43rd St. Unit 107
Pittsburgh, PA 15201

Fragments plays with architectural space and perception by directing viewers' attention to their bodies within the gallery space.

New Member Exhibition

New Member Exhibition 2023
at Brew House Arts
June 30–September 9, 2023

Brew House Association
411 South 21st St. #210
Pittsburgh, PA 15203

109 annual transcendental arrangements

109th Annual: Transcendental Arrangements
July 29-September 3, 2023

In partnership with the Miller ICA, AAP marks our 109th Annual Exhibition with Transcendental Arrangements, an exhibition that focuses on artistic practices that engage with ritual, magical, and supernatural qualities within everyday encounters, serendipitous connections, and ubiquitous symbols in our daily lives. 

The Grandeur of Power

The Grandeur of Power
Curated by Eric Shiner
May 6–June 23

Associated Artists of Pittsburgh Exhibition Space
100 43rd St. Unit 107
Pittsburgh, PA 15201

2022-2023 Featured Artists Exhibition

March 4 – April 15, 2023

Exhibiting Artists: Theresa Antonellis, Gavin Benjamin, Tara Fay, Henry Winslow Hallett, Scott Hunter, Joshua Challen Ice, Kristen Letts Kovak, Christine Lorenz, Natalie Moffitt, Evan Rumble, Louise Silk, Kara Zuzu

Balanced Respose

January 17 – March 17, 2023

Robert Morris University
Media Arts Gallery
Moon Township, PA 15108

Balanced Response featured work by 26 artists, and the work on view shared their reaction, reply, or resolution to current experiences of the world. In a time of extremes, the work in the exhibition speaks to moments of stillness and acceptance, heightened emotional engagement, and ways to move forward.


AAP & Creative Citizens Studios
January 14–February 18, 2023

Associated Artists of Pittsburgh and Creative Citizens Studios present GROWTH, an exhibition of work by artists from both organizations, side by side, at Associated Artists’ exhibition space in Pittsburgh’s Lawrenceville neighborhood. Curated by Chicago-based Disparate Minds, the exhibition presents an inclusive take on visual understandings and interpretations of growth in an artist’s practice, career, and style.



112 x 112 Celebrating 112 years of Associated Artists of Pittsburgh

112 X 112
Exhibition + Online Store

November 18 – December 22, 2022

Associated Artists of Pittsburgh Exhibition Space
100 43rd St. Unit 107
Pittsburgh, PA 15201

In celebration of Associated Artists of Pittsburgh's 112th year, the exhibition will feature over 120 works of art, each priced at $112.

Plain Silk, Uncarved Wood

Plain Silk, Uncarved Wood
Curated by Brent Nakamoto
September 10 – November 5, 2022

Plain Silk, Uncarved Wood is an exhibition of Asian American artists living in Pittsburgh, and will feature the work of Anny Chen, Eriko Hattori, Sarah Kim, Julie Lee, Karen Lue, Paul Peng, Imin Yeh. This exhibition seeks to claim space for Asian American artists in what is still predominately a white cultural space, and in doing so draw attention to the innovative work that these artists are making. It is not an attempt to define “Asian American” art, but rather, to re-define what it means to be an artist in Pittsburgh, and to examine the many ways that Asian American artists are contributing to art in the Pittsburgh area.

2022 New Member Exhibition

2022 New Member Exhibition
at Slippery Rock University

August 30 – November 3, 2022

Martha Gault Art Gallery
at Slippery Rock University
108 Maltby Ave
Slippery Rock, PA 16057

Running Out of Time

Running Out of Time
Works by Sheila Cuellar-Shaffer & Sharon Massey

July 30 – October 1, 2022

Touchstone Center for Crafts
1049 Wharton Furnace RD
Farmington, PA 15437

2022 New Member Exhibition

2022 New Member Exhibition
at Associated Artists of Pittsburgh

August 3–September 1, 2022

Associated Artists of Pittsburgh Exhibition Space
100 43rd St. Unit 107
Pittsburgh, PA 15201

Summer Variety Online Store

June 10 – August 10, 2022

Curated by Lexi Bishop of here

This initiative worked to showcase and sell our member's artwork throughout the summer months of 2022. Summer Variety: Online Store was the fifth iteration of our online store.

Check out the Q&A we did with Lexi about local art and collecting!

Turning the Corner

May 28 – July 23, 2022

Works by Natalie Moffitt & Kara Zuzu

Touchstone Center for Crafts
1049 Wharton Furnace RD
Farmington, PA 15437

Drawn from Experience

A Retrospective of Works by Mary Culbertson-Stark

June 18–July 23, 2022

Associated Artists of Pittsburgh Exhibition Space
100 43rd St. Unit 107
Pittsburgh, PA 15201

Drawn From Experience culls images from the rich and varied work of Pittsburgh artist, Mary Culbertson-Stark. Fifty mixed media works dating from 1984 to the present weave a visual journey capturing her celebrated style. Replete with highly personal and expressive imagery rooted in drawing; the exhibition invites the viewer into the world of a unique artist, a Pittsburgh original, whose mixed media musings align symbolism, humor, and wisdom with a life of shared experience.

Performance Series

April 16 – May 21, 2022

Associated Artists of Pittsburgh Exhibition Space
100 43rd St. Unit 107
Pittsburgh, PA 15201

This exhibition was a series of seven performances over a seven-week period. As part of the performance, each artist left an item behind for the next artist to engage. These remnant objects build over time with each following performance having to engage, interpret, and implement those items occupying the performance space.

Living with Art IV Online Store

March 4 – May 4, 2022

For the fourth iteration of the online store, Associated Artists of Pittsburgh worked photographer and collector, Adam Milliron, to curate an online store featuring the works of our members. Adam is a Pittsburgh based commercial food photographer and ceramics collector. His work has been seen in Bon Appétit, Food & Wine, ELLE Décor, and TABLE Magazine with commercial clients ranging from Primanti Bros., Sheetz, Amazon and local restaurants.

Check out the Q&A we did with Adam about collecting art.

2022 Featured Artists Exhibition

February 23 – April 2, 2022

Associated Artists of Pittsburgh Exhibition Space
100 43rd St. Unit 107
Pittsburgh, PA 15201

From horsehair pattern ceramics to laser-cut acrylic pieces, the 2021–2022 exhibition shows the variety of practices and styles of Pittsburgh-based artists. Exhibiting artists include Shori Sims, Derek Reese, Dan Droz, Eriko Hattori, Tina Williams Brewer, Saige Baxter, Sarah Tancred, Centa Schumacher, Sandra Moore, Ignacio Lopez, Lizzee Solomon, and Gadi Leshem.

108th Annual Exhibition

108th Annual Exhibition

November 2021 – January 2022

The 108th Annual Exhibition was held in two locations: the Pittsburgh International Airport (PIT) and the Detective Building in East Liberty. You can learn more about this exhibition, the locations, artists, and the jurors by clicking on the image above.

The 108th was juried and curated by Wendy Given and Ben Owen.

Dynamic Duos

Dynamic Duos: Collaborative Works by AAP & CCS Artists
January 8–February 15, 2022
100 43rd St. Unit 107
Pittsburgh, PA 15201

Dynamic Duos: Collaborative Works by AAP & CCS Artists is an exhibition that features works of art created by artists of the Associated Artists of Pittsburgh and Creative Citizens Studios. With support from Arts, Equity, & Education Fund, AAP and CCS artists worked side-by-side throughout the fall learning from one another and creating together. The works on view are one facet of their working relationship.

Interaction Now


January 26 – March 7, 2022

Robert Morris University
Media Arts Gallery
6001 University Blvd, Wheatley Center Moon Township, PA 15108

Associated Artists of Pittsburgh presents an exhibition of artworks reflecting on our interactions and how they have changed or been impacted by the pandemic. From Zoom calls with family, working from home, to outdoor events held at arm's-length, jurors are looking for work that shows how our engagements with one another have adapted or been altered since February 2020.



Art on the Walls at the Mayor's Office

Art on the Walls at the Mayor’s Office
Office of the Mayor, City-County Building
414 Grant St, Pittsburgh, PA 15219

Mayor William Peduto, City of Pittsburgh, brought together Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council's Art on the Walls exhibition program and the Associated Artists of Pittsburgh to curate, exhibit, and sell quality art by local artists from the administrative offices and chambers of the Mayor's Office in the City County Building.

111 x 111

111 x 111

November 18–December 28, 2021
Associated Artists of Pittsburgh Exhibition Space
100 43rd St. Unit 107
Pittsburgh, PA 15201

In celebration of Associated Artists of Pittsburgh's 111th year, the exhibition featured works of art priced at $111 each.

Extending a Hand


Guild of American Papercutters and Associated Artists of Pittsburgh

October 14 – November 12, 2021

Now, at the end of its second millennia, Paper has had a leading role in the human story. This exhibition celebrates the endless way that Paper, the most commonplace of materials, can be manipulated while focusing on artworks where Paper, the material and its specific cultural history is at the technical and conceptual center of the work.

Living with Art III Online Store


Associated Artists of Pittsburgh is excited to present the third iteration of our online store of member artwork: Living with Art: III. We worked with Shelby Ciarallo & Andrew Heffner of Bar Marco and The Union Hall to select artwork and curate our online store.

PUSH AND PULLSeptember 17–October 9, 2021 Associated Artists of Pittsburgh Exhibition Space 100 43rd St. Unit 107 Pittsburgh, PA 15201The juror and curator for this exhibition is Grace Chin, Executive Director of The Sculpture Center, Cleveland.This exhibition features sculptural and three-dimensional work that considers community: who are our communities, how we exist within our communities, and what our communities mean to us.


September 17–October 9, 2021
Associated Artists of Pittsburgh Exhibition Space
100 43rd St. Unit 107
Pittsburgh, PA 15201

The juror and curator for this exhibition is Grace Chin, Executive Director of The Sculpture Center, Cleveland.

This exhibition features sculptural and three-dimensional work that considers community: who are our communities, how we exist within our communities, and what our communities mean to us.

SUBCUTANEOUS: EXPOSING HUMAN AND MATERIAL NARRATIVEWorks by Josh Mitchel and Tyler StantonJuly 31–October 2, 2021  Touchstone Center for Crafts 1049 Wharton Furnace RD Farmington, PA 15437


Works by Josh Mitchel and Tyler Stanton

July 31–October 2, 2021

Touchstone Center for Crafts
1049 Wharton Furnace RD
Farmington, PA 15437

A PERMANENT HOME IN THE MOUTH OF THE SUN Works by Hannah AltmanAugust 14 – September 10, 2021 Associated Artists of Pittsburgh Exhibition Space 100 43rd St. Unit 107 Pittsburgh, PA 15201This solo exhibition of work by AAP member Hannah Altman explor…

Works by Hannah Altman

August 14 – September 10, 2021
Associated Artists of Pittsburgh Exhibition Space
100 43rd St. Unit 107
Pittsburgh, PA 15201

This solo exhibition of work by AAP member Hannah Altman explores the Jewish diaspora, world building, and sacred time. Utilizing the narrative aspect of photography and the ritual and motifs in Yiddish folklore, Altman’s work invites the viewer to consider how exile and its contrary natures has shaped understandings of personal and cultural identity, time, and memory.

VARIATION OF LINE AND FORMMay 29 – July 24, 2021 Touchstone Center for Crafts 1049 Wharton Furnace RD Farmington, PA 15437Featuring the works of Katie Rearick and Nancy McNary Smith.


May 29 – July 24, 2021
Touchstone Center for Crafts
1049 Wharton Furnace RD
Farmington, PA 15437

Featuring the works of Katie Rearick and Nancy McNary Smith.

ELUSIVE SPACESSolo Exhibition by Dan DrozMay 20 – June 25, 2021 Associated Artists of Pittsburgh Exhibition Space 100 43rd St. Unit 107 Pittsburgh, PA 15201Associated Artists of Pittsburgh presents Elusive Spaces, an exhibition showcasing member Dan Droz. Known for his colorful sculptural work, Elusive Spaces will feature over 30 new pieces by the artist. The work in the exhibition is courtesy of James Gallery.


Solo Exhibition by Dan Droz

May 20 – June 25, 2021
Associated Artists of Pittsburgh Exhibition Space
100 43rd St. Unit 107
Pittsburgh, PA 15201

Associated Artists of Pittsburgh presents Elusive Spaces, an exhibition showcasing member Dan Droz. Known for his colorful sculptural work, Elusive Spaces will feature over 30 new pieces by the artist. The work in the exhibition is courtesy of James Gallery.

2020–2021 Featured Artist ExhibitionApril 19–May 16, 2021 Associated Artists of Pittsburgh Exhibition Space 100 43rd St. Unit 107 Pittsburgh, PA 15201Featuring the work of our March 2020–February 2021 Featured Artists. Featuring the work of Andrew Allison, Brent Nakamoto, Atticus Adams, Haylee Ebersole, Pati Beachley, Ellen Chisdes Neuberg, David Stanger, Njamieh Njie, Sheila Cuellar-Shaffer, Linda Price-Sneddon, Dyvika Peel, & Cristin Millett.

2020–2021 Featured Artist Exhibition

April 19–May 16, 2021
Associated Artists of Pittsburgh Exhibition Space
100 43rd St. Unit 107
Pittsburgh, PA 15201

Featuring the work of our March 2020–February 2021 Featured Artists. Featuring the work of Andrew Allison, Brent Nakamoto, Atticus Adams, Haylee Ebersole, Pati Beachley, Ellen Chisdes Neuberg, David Stanger, Njamieh Njie, Sheila Cuellar-Shaffer, Linda Price-Sneddon, Dyvika Peel, & Cristin Millett.

Find Your Way HomeMarch 18 – April 11, 2021 Associated Artists of Pittsburgh Exhibition Space 100 43rd St. Unit 107. Pittsburgh, PA 15201Curated by Emma VescioExhibiting Artists: Gary Henzler Allen, Gregory Anderson, Pamela Cooper, Christiane Dolore…

Find Your Way Home

March 18 – April 11, 2021
Associated Artists of Pittsburgh Exhibition Space
100 43rd St. Unit 107. Pittsburgh, PA 15201

Curated by Emma Vescio

Exhibiting Artists: Gary Henzler Allen, Gregory Anderson, Pamela Cooper, Christiane Dolores, Kirsten Ervin, Tony Havrilla, Dan Hendrickson, Glendon Hyde, Sarah Kim, Jason LaCroix, Gadi Leshem, Natalie Moffitt, Dyvika Peel, Manjushree Roy, Shori Sims, Evan Rumble, Grace Simmons, Jody Shell, Katie Stone, Tresa Varner

Into the LightFebruary 22-March 14, 2021 Associated Artists of Pittsburgh Exhibition Space 100 43rd St. Pittsburgh, PA 15201Into the Light is Associated Artists of Pittsburgh’s second new member exhibition curated by Emma Vescio

Into the Light

February 22-March 14, 2021
Associated Artists of Pittsburgh Exhibition Space
100 43rd St. Pittsburgh, PA 15201

Into the Light is Associated Artists of Pittsburgh’s second new member exhibition curated by Emma Vescio

ALONE, TOGETHERJanuary 17 – February 14, 2021 Associated Artists of Pittsburgh Exhibition Space 100 43rd St. Unit 107. Pittsburgh, PA 15201Curated by Emma Vescio.  Exhibiting artists: Jason Boone, Tony Cavalline, Natalie Condrac, Margot Dermody, Bro…


January 17 – February 14, 2021
Associated Artists of Pittsburgh Exhibition Space
100 43rd St. Unit 107. Pittsburgh, PA 15201

Curated by Emma Vescio.
Exhibiting artists: Jason Boone, Tony Cavalline, Natalie Condrac, Margot Dermody, Brooke Ebeling, Catharine Fichtner, Geoffrey Gordon, Paige Kleinfelder, Wade Kramm, Jake McCauley, Emily Sciulli, Sarah Simmons, Lizzee Solomon, Zev Woskoff, & Katie Winter.

LIVING WITH ART: IIOnline Feature Series and Store January 21 – March 21, 2021Associated Artists of Pittsburgh presented the second iteration of our online store of member artwork: Living with Art: II. We worked with Lauren Piasecki of Black Cherry …


Online Feature Series and Store
January 21 – March 21, 2021

Associated Artists of Pittsburgh presented the second iteration of our online store of member artwork: Living with Art: II. We worked with Lauren Piasecki of Black Cherry Design to select artwork and curate our online store.

Read our special blog post with Lauren Piasecki on the interaction art & design, and the value she sees in collecting artwork by local artists, both for herself and for her clients.



110 X 110 X 110November 23 – December 28, 2020 Associated Artists of Pittsburgh Exhibition Space 100 43rd St. Unit 107. Pittsburgh, PA 15201The exhibition will feature 110 works of art by over 80 member artists priced at $110 each. In the vein of ou…

110 X 110 X 110

November 23 – December 28, 2020
Associated Artists of Pittsburgh Exhibition Space
100 43rd St. Unit 107. Pittsburgh, PA 15201

The exhibition will feature 110 works of art by over 80 member artists priced at $110 each. In the vein of our previous off-the-wall exhibition, patrons are invited to take works home with them immediately upon purchase. The goal of this exhibition is to generate artwork sales, when a piece sells, it comes ‘off the wall’.

COUNTERPRESSURESThe Carnegie Museum of Art 4400 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 February 20, 2020 – January 3, 2021The 83rd installment of Carnegie Museum of Art’s Forum series presents a thematic group exhibition that addresses the urgen…


The Carnegie Museum of Art
4400 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
February 20, 2020 – January 3, 2021

The 83rd installment of Carnegie Museum of Art’s Forum series presents a thematic group exhibition that addresses the urgency of climate change. The title, taken from a quotation in Pittsburgh environmentalist Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring (1962), identifies the show’s focus on the fraught relationship between humans and the environment. Counterpressures was developed in partnership between Associated Artists of Pittsburgh and the Carnegie Museum of Art.

VERTIGONovember 27 – December 20, 2020 422 Wood St. Pittsburgh, PA 15222Vertigo featured the work of 20 Associated Artist members. Juried by Grace Chin of The Sculpture Center, the works in the exhibition explore associations of vertigo through thei…


November 27 – December 20, 2020
422 Wood St. Pittsburgh, PA 15222

Vertigo featured the work of 20 Associated Artist members. Juried by Grace Chin of The Sculpture Center, the works in the exhibition explore associations of vertigo through their materials, forms, subject matter, and the settings they create. The exhibition features work by both current and new members of Associated Artists.This exhibition is in collaboration with the Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership’s Safe Holiday Season of Creative Experiences and Reimagined Traditions.

LIVING WITH ART Online Feature Series & Store July 2020–November 2020Associated Artists of Pittsburgh is proud to launch a new online initiative to showcase and sell our member's artwork: Living with Art. For this initiative, we worked with Weis…

Online Feature Series & Store
July 2020–November 2020

Associated Artists of Pittsburgh is proud to launch a new online initiative to showcase and sell our member's artwork: Living with Art. For this initiative, we worked with Weisshouse's Stacy Weiss to select artwork and curate our online store. Then, throughout the months of July–November, the "Living With Art" Feature Series & Online Store will promote and pursue online artwork sales, as well as showcase the many benefits of living with art. Read our special blog post with Stacy Weiss on why she collects art and the value she sees in living with artwork in her own home.

to the republic for which it stands October 12 – November 11, 2020 Associated Artists of Pittsburgh Exhibition Space 100 43rd St. Unit 107 Pittsburgh, PA 15201to the republic for which it stands is an exhibition of works by 26 artists that tackle ou…

to the republic for which it stands
October 12 – November 11, 2020
Associated Artists of Pittsburgh Exhibition Space
100 43rd St. Unit 107 Pittsburgh, PA 15201

to the republic for which it stands is an exhibition of works by 26 artists that tackle our current global political climate. This exhibition was juried by Kathleen Zimbicki, Sheila Cuellar-Shaffer, and Tony Norman.

SIX FEETSeptember 8 – October 2, 2020 Associated Artists of Pittsburgh Exhibition Space 100 43rd St. Unit 107 Pittsburgh, PA 15201SIX FEET is an exhibition of works made during the quarantine.


September 8 – October 2, 2020
Associated Artists of Pittsburgh Exhibition Space
100 43rd St. Unit 107 Pittsburgh, PA 15201

SIX FEET is an exhibition of works made during the quarantine.

2019–2020 FEATURED ARTIST EXHIBITIONJuly 2020 – August 2020 Associated Artists of Pittsburgh Exhibition Space 100 43rd St. Unit 107 Pittsburgh, PA 15201Featuring the 12 artists from our monthly Featured Artist Blog.


July 2020 – August 2020
Associated Artists of Pittsburgh Exhibition Space
100 43rd St. Unit 107 Pittsburgh, PA 15201

Featuring the 12 artists from our monthly Featured Artist Blog.

Not RealityTomayko Gallery @ Point Park University 212 Wood St. Pittsburgh, PA 15222 March 11 – May 12, 2020Photography works by William D. Wade.

Not Reality

Tomayko Gallery @ Point Park University
212 Wood St. Pittsburgh, PA 15222
March 11 – May 12, 2020

Photography works by William D. Wade.

Three Artists (Three Women)University Art Gallery at the University of Pittsburgh 650 Schenley Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 February 13–March 28, 2020University Art Gallery - University of Pittsburgh (UAG) announces that it will devote its major exhi…

Three Artists (Three Women)

University Art Gallery at the University of Pittsburgh
650 Schenley Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15260
February 13–March 28, 2020

University Art Gallery - University of Pittsburgh (UAG) announces that it will devote its major exhibitions and programs to women and female-identifying artists throughout 2020. The initiative begins with the opening of two companion exhibitions "Mary Ethel McAuley: Behind German Lines" and "Three Artists (Three Women)", created in partnership with
the Associated Artists of Pittsburgh (AAP).

"Three Artists (Three Women)" examines the work of three current AAP artists: Tina Williams Brewer, Sheila Cuellar-Shaffer, and Fran Gialamas. The works by these three artists use personal and cultural symbolism to explore themes of migration, family, history, and place– themes that parallel those in McAuley’s works - who was also an AAP member in the early 20th century.

lost in the floodKipp Gallery, Sprowls Hall Indiana University of Pennsylvania January 21–February 14, 2020Associated Artists of Pittsburgh and Indiana University present lost in the flood, an exhibition juried and curated by Courtenay Finn, Chief C…

lost in the flood

Kipp Gallery, Sprowls Hall
Indiana University of Pennsylvania

January 21–February 14, 2020

Associated Artists of Pittsburgh and Indiana University present lost in the flood, an exhibition juried and curated by Courtenay Finn, Chief Curator of MOCA Cleveland.

VISIONS, ETC.Tomayko Gallery @ Point Park University 212 Wood St. Pittsburgh, PA 15222On view December 11, 2019 – March 11, 2020Selected Augmented Reality works from Christopher Ruane's Visions Series and beyond. Experimentations combining mixed rea…


Tomayko Gallery @ Point Park University
212 Wood St. Pittsburgh, PA 15222

On view December 11, 2019 – March 11, 2020

Selected Augmented Reality works from Christopher Ruane's Visions Series and beyond. Experimentations combining mixed reality, photography, and film. Forming a symbiotic relationship the works are both physical and virtual, existing in 2D space and a created 4th dimension. Each piece takes the viewer on an interactive journey and highlights the evolution of a new art form. With Pittsburgh as a backdrop, topics of mortality, human impact on our environment, freedom of expression, and religion are explored.



Beyond My IntentionsWorks by AAP member Mary Dorfner HayFeb 2019 - May 2019 Tomayko Gallery, Lawrence Hall Point Park University, Pittsburgh, PA

Beyond My Intentions

Works by AAP member Mary Dorfner Hay

Feb 2019 - May 2019
Tomayko Gallery, Lawrence Hall
Point Park University, Pittsburgh, PA

RARE AS A WINTER RAINBOW 105th E 8th Ave, Homestead, PA 15120Solo exhibition with work by Zachariah Szabo.May-June 6, 2020.Media: Homestead 1st Fridays

105th E 8th Ave, Homestead, PA 15120

Solo exhibition with work by Zachariah Szabo.

May-June 6, 2020.

Media: Homestead 1st Fridays

2019 New Member ExhibitionMay 11–June 30, 2019Pittsburgh Center for Arts & MediaFeaturing the work of Karen Antonelli, Allison Blair, Cory Bonnet, Eric Charlton, Kevin Clancy, Thommy Conroy, Matthew Constant, Dennis Doyle, Dan Droz, Tara Fay, Ky…

2019 New Member Exhibition

May 11–June 30, 2019

Pittsburgh Center for Arts & Media

Featuring the work of Karen Antonelli, Allison Blair, Cory Bonnet, Eric Charlton, Kevin Clancy, Thommy Conroy, Matthew Constant, Dennis Doyle, Dan Droz, Tara Fay, Kylie Ford, Adrienne Grafton, Hannah Harley, Megan Herwig, Christopher Hofmann, J Houston, Selena Hurst, Tressa Jones, Alyssa Kail, Ignacio Lopez, Karen Lue, Stephanie Martin, Paul Mullins, Brent Nakamoto, Njaimeh Njie, Joe Perry, Cassandra Pfaff, Justin Pope, Allan Rosenfield, John Sanders, Rachel Saul Rearick, Tyler Stanton, Sarah Tancred, and Annie Weidman.

The exhibition was curated by Transmitter Gallery.

HomeographJune-July 2019The Union Hall 2216 Penn Ave, Fl 2nd Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 15222Homeograph, a word that shares the same form but has different meaning. the show reaches towards unifying themes of the reconceptualization, deconstruction, …


June-July 2019

The Union Hall
2216 Penn Ave, Fl 2nd Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 15222

Homeograph, a word that shares the same form but has different meaning. the show reaches towards unifying themes of the reconceptualization, deconstruction, and redefinition of utility and history in the works of Mary Dorfner Hay, Melissa Riggatire, and Crystal Latimer. With the combined forces of the artists, AAP, and the Union Hall; Homeograph reconsiders time, events, and space and allows it to be viewed through divergent angles.

Curated by Andrew Hefner and Shelby Ciarallo.

Vessels in Five DimensionsJune 2–July 27, 2019IRON GATE GALLERY, TOUCHSTONE CENTER FOR CRAFTSTouchstone Center for Crafts is hosting two Associated Artists of Pittsburgh Exhibitions in the summer of 2019. Both exhibitions will take place at the Iron…

Vessels in Five Dimensions

June 2–July 27, 2019


Touchstone Center for Crafts is hosting two Associated Artists of Pittsburgh Exhibitions in the summer of 2019. Both exhibitions will take place at the Iron Gate Gallery, and are juried and curated by Lindsay Ketterer Gates, Executive Director of Touchstone and Travis Winters, Programs Manager at Touchstone.

Vessels in Five Dimensions is a duo exhibition between Kristen Letts Kovak and Silvija Singh.

Barely BreathingJuly 24-August 23, 2019Associated Artists of Pittsburgh 100 43rd St, Unit 107 AAP presents Barely Breathing, the 2019 Emerging Curator Exhibition. Curated by Vania Evangelique, the exhibition explores the relationship between individ…

Barely Breathing

July 24-August 23, 2019

Associated Artists of Pittsburgh
100 43rd St, Unit 107

AAP presents Barely Breathing, the 2019 Emerging Curator Exhibition. Curated by Vania Evangelique, the exhibition explores the relationship between individuals and nature and how that relationship is represented in art. The exhibition features the work of Ashley Cecil, J Houston, Kristen Letts Kovak, Corrine Jasmin, Natiq Jalil, Stephanie Martin, and Elizabeth Rose.

Mutual UnderstandingAugust 2-September 30, 2019  Touchstone Center for Crafts 1049 Sr2003, Farmington, PA 15437The Associated Artists of Pittsburgh is working with the Touchstone Center for Crafts to host an exhibition. This exhibition showcases the…

Mutual Understanding

August 2-September 30, 2019

Touchstone Center for Crafts
1049 Sr2003, Farmington, PA 15437

The Associated Artists of Pittsburgh is working with the Touchstone Center for Crafts to host an exhibition. This exhibition showcases the work of Judith Musser and Adrienne Heinrich, curated by Jen Panza. On view August 2 - September 30. Opening reception August 4th, 2:00-5:00PM at Touchstone.

AAP x PIT AIRPORTFrom September 11 – December 2, 2019, Associated Artists of Pittsburgh (AAP) and the Allegheny County Airport Authority present recent sculptural work by six AAP members. Featured in the landside terminal cases of the Pittsburgh Int…


From September 11 – December 2, 2019, Associated Artists of Pittsburgh (AAP) and the Allegheny County Airport Authority present recent sculptural work by six AAP members. Featured in the landside terminal cases of the Pittsburgh International Airport (PIT) is the work of Atticus Adams, Angela Beiderman, Ron Copeland, Dennis Doyle, Dan Droz, and Tyler Gaston. The exhibit was curated by AAP exhibition committee members Sheila Cuellar-Shaffer and Sheila Swartz in partnership with AAP staff and the airport.

MIXED REDTomayko Gallery at Point Park University 212 Wood St. Pittsburgh, PS 15222 August 16-December 8, 2019A selection of new mixed media work by Scott Hunter and starring the color red. Work made by responding to the spark that comes from recogn…


Tomayko Gallery at Point Park University
212 Wood St. Pittsburgh, PS 15222
August 16-December 8, 2019

A selection of new mixed media work by Scott Hunter and starring the color red. Work made by responding to the spark that comes from recognition of similarity or sympathy demanding placement above or below. Scaled up or scaled down, impatient, messy, explained, self-explanatory, self-congratulatory, framed and then finished. Work steeped in the mysteries of random pairings of images found in everyday detritus. Forging connections that might offer deeper introspection than a contrived plot when looking back upon them as if planned.

Read or misread.


Westmoreland Museum of American Art
221 N Main St, Greensburg, PA 15601
November 10, 2019–January 26, 2020

Associated Artists of Pittsburgh’s 107th Annual Exhibition is on view at The Westmoreland Museum of American Art in Greensburg, Pennsylvania, with an additional four installations at the Seton Hill University Arts Center, also located in Greensburg.

Serving as juror for the Exhibition is Juana Williams, Exhibitions Curator at the Urban Institute for Contemporary Arts, in Grand Rapids, Michigan.


December 13-31, 2019
Gallery One | Collective Works
4106 Howley St. Pittsburgh PA 15224

Associated Artists of Pittsburgh’s December member exhibition, Off the Wall, opens to the public on Friday, December 13, 2019. Hosted at Gallery One | Collective Works, this second iteration of Off the Wall features the work of 41 artist members. . Juried by AAP’s Exhibition Committee, this second occurrence of Off the Wall will feature over 80 works of art available for immediate purchase. All artwork is priced at $300 or less.



To learn more about a past exhibition, see images, review a checklist and more, click on the exhibition image.

EARTH PT. 2November, 2018 - February, 2019 Tomayko Gallery, Lawrence Hall Point Park University, Pittsburgh, PA Artist Talk: Wednesday, January 23rd, 5:30pm–7:00pm.


November, 2018 - February, 2019
Tomayko Gallery, Lawrence Hall
Point Park University, Pittsburgh, PA

Artist Talk: Wednesday, January 23rd, 5:30pm–7:00pm.

OFF THE WALLDecember 1– December 29, 2018 FrameHouse & Jask Gallery 100 43rd St., Pittsburgh, PAOpening: Saturday, December 1st, 6:00pm–9:00pm.Juried and curated by Jill Larson, Off the Wall features the work of 39 artist members. All artwork is…


December 1– December 29, 2018
FrameHouse & Jask Gallery
100 43rd St., Pittsburgh, PA

Opening: Saturday, December 1st, 6:00pm–9:00pm.

Juried and curated by Jill Larson, Off the Wall features the work of 39 artist members. All artwork is priced at $500 and under, with the majority of the work priced under $300. Upon purchase of a work, visitors are invited to take their work ‘off the wall.’

Object/OggettoDecember 7 - December 28th, 2018Gallery One | Collective Works 4106 Howley St Juried & Curated by Graham ShearingAAP will be bringing the fall 2018 exhibition recently featured at Red Brick Gallery to Gallery One Collective Works i…


December 7 - December 28th, 2018

Gallery One | Collective Works
4106 Howley St
Juried & Curated by Graham Shearing

AAP will be bringing the fall 2018 exhibition recently featured at Red Brick Gallery to Gallery One Collective Works in the Bloomfield neighborhood of Pittsburgh. The exhibition features the work of Fabrizio Gerbino, Ben Schonberger, and Imin Yeh, and it is curated by Graham Shearing.

The EndOctober 4 – 27, 2018 FrameHouse & Jask Gallery 100 43rd Street, Pittsburgh, PA Juried & Curated by Fred BlauthThe End is an Associated Artists of Pittsburgh exhibition featuring artworks that reflects on ideas of when something ends, …

The End

October 4 – 27, 2018
FrameHouse & Jask Gallery
100 43rd Street, Pittsburgh, PA
Juried & Curated by Fred Blauth

The End is an Associated Artists of Pittsburgh exhibition featuring artworks that reflects on ideas of when something ends, stops, or ceases to exist. The AAP artists featured in the exhibition are John Belue, Zachary Brown, Kathleen Kase Burk, Seth Clark, Tyler Gaston, Gil Gorski, Seth LeDonne, Adam Linn, Tracey Parker, Aaron Regal, David Stanger, Su Su, Zachariah Szabo, William D. Wade, and Lauren Wilcox. The opening reception is Thursday, October 4th from 7pm to 9:30pm, a curator-led tour and artists talks will be on Saturday, November 10th from 2-4pm, and the show runs through Friday, November 16th.

FrameHouse & Jask hours are Tuesdays–Fridays, 11am–7pm and Saturdays 10am–4pm.

Object/OggettoOctober 5–November 11, 2018 Red Brick Gallery, 17 Main Street, Foxburg, PAAssociated Artists of Pittsburgh (AAP) in partnership with the Allegheny RiverStone Center for the Arts (ARCA) presents Object/Oggetto, an exhibition juried and …


October 5–November 11, 2018
Red Brick Gallery, 17 Main Street, Foxburg, PA

Associated Artists of Pittsburgh (AAP) in partnership with the Allegheny RiverStone Center for the Arts (ARCA) presents Object/Oggetto, an exhibition juried and curated by Graham Shearing, examining the interpretation and re-presentation of the object in contemporary art. The exhibition features the work of AAP members Fabrizio Gerbino, Ben Schonberger, and Imin Yeh.

106th Annual ExhibitionSeptember 15 – October 27, 20182708 Sidney Street, Pittsburgh, PAJuried & Curated by Taras Matla, University of Maryland Art GalleryThe Annual Exhibition is open and free to the public. Gallery hours are 11:00 a.m. - 7:00 …

106th Annual Exhibition

September 15 – October 27, 2018

2708 Sidney Street, Pittsburgh, PA

Juried & Curated by Taras Matla, University of Maryland Art Gallery

The Annual Exhibition is open and free to the public. Gallery hours are 11:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m., Tuesdays - Saturdays.

BFA Photography Faculty ExhibitionAugust 21 – October 25, 2018 Tomayko Gallery Point Park University, Lawrence HallBFA Photography Faculty Exhibition, juried and curated by Jeff Jarzynka, features work by Karen Antonelli, Aaron Blum, April Friges, H…

BFA Photography Faculty Exhibition

August 21 – October 25, 2018
Tomayko Gallery
Point Park University, Lawrence Hall

BFA Photography Faculty Exhibition, juried and curated by Jeff Jarzynka, features work by Karen Antonelli, Aaron Blum, April Friges, Hannah Harley, Christine M Lorenz, Ben Schonberger, Jessica Steigerwald, and Zachariah Szabo.

SIGHT LINES: 2018 New Member ExhibitionAugust 4 – 21, 2018 Butler Street Lofts, Pittsburgh, PAThe exhibition features the work of the Associated Artists of Pittsburgh's 2018 new members. Curated by Eowyn Mays of the National Gallery of Art in Washin…

SIGHT LINES: 2018 New Member Exhibition

August 4 – 21, 2018
Butler Street Lofts, Pittsburgh, PA

The exhibition features the work of the Associated Artists of Pittsburgh's 2018 new members. Curated by Eowyn Mays of the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., the exhibition is held at the Butler Street Lofts in the Lawrenceville neighborhood of Pittsburgh. The 2018 new members are Jessica Alpern Brown, Erin Bechtold, John Belue, Heather Brand, Robert Buncher, Tana Cadena-Vuignier, Sean Carroll, Dennis Childers, Nicole Czapinski, Fabrizio Gerbino, Gil Gorski, Jon Hall, Henry Hallett, Joshua Hogan, Christine Holtz, Sarah Jacobs, Natiq Jalil, Elzbieta Kazmierczak, Mandy Kendall, Alexandra Lakin, Kristen Letts Kovak, Adam Linn, Katie McMurtry, Maura O'Connor, Susan Palmisano, Tracey Parker, Paul Peng, Joseph Ryznar, Liz Sabol, Lauren Scavo, Miriam Scigliano, Nick Silvis, Henry Simonds, Marc Snyder, Bernard Stote, Brenda Stumpf, Su Su, Karly Takach, Ian Thomas, Mike Weber, Suzanne Werder, Bernie Wilke, Travis Winters, and Terri Wolfe Izzo.

Rotating Installation: AAP @ Point ParkSummer 2018 Tomayko Gallery, Lawrence Hall, Point Park UniversityIn Summer 2018, AAP featured the work of member Leah Patgorski in the Tomayko Gallery at Point Park University.

Rotating Installation: AAP @ Point Park

Summer 2018
Tomayko Gallery, Lawrence Hall, Point Park University

In Summer 2018, AAP featured the work of member Leah Patgorski in the Tomayko Gallery at Point Park University.



March 2018 - June 2018
Pittsburgh International Airport

The Fool at the Precipice illustrates an earthly and imaginary landscape that incorporates geometric and figurative elements in order to form a symbolic language of shape and color. The Fool, the small figure represented within the drawing, is poised on the edge of the unknown in a world of seemingly endless possibilities.This work symbolizes every traveler's potential at the start of a journey, and the sense of freedom experienced when entering uncharted territories.
Mance's work explores the interplay of the conscious and subconscious, and the relationship between nature and human experience. Her use of freehand drawing techniques and spontaneous mark making are implemented in order to avoid the restrictions that may come with self-consciousness and premeditation. Her unrestrained approach allows for a deeper focus on the ways in which we pass time, our idiosyncrasies, and repetitive rituals.

by means of play

April 16 - May 30, 2018
Gallery One, 4106 Howley St., Pittsburgh, PA 15224
Like ivy, we grow where there is room for us.
- Miranda July

By Means of Play is an exhibition juried and curated by Emma Vescio that explores celebratory and vibrant art and artmaking as practices of self-care, expressions of joy, and political engagement. The exhibition features both two-dimensional and three-dimensional works that highlight intimate, joyful, and passionate moments. The pieces engage viewers in various forms of immediate participation, either through looking or physical interaction.

I See You

April 2 - May 4, 2018
Tomayko Gallery, Lawrence Hall, Point Park University

I See You, curated by Jen Melvin, features a range of contemporary portraiture from five members of the Associated Artists of Pittsburgh. Unlike traditional portraiture, these works do not aim to portray their subjects realistically. Instead, these works depict their subjects in emotional atmospheres that implore the viewer to explore the stories behind them.


Sarika Goulatia: A Million Marks of Home November 5, 2017- February 25, 2018 Pittsburgh International Airport

Sarika Goulatia: A Million Marks of Home
November 5, 2017- February 25, 2018
Pittsburgh International Airport

Just Say'n November 24, 2017- January 27, 2018 Bottle Works, Johnstown, PA Curated by Jill Larson Featuring: Priya Ahlawat, Stefani Allegretti, Carol Amidi, Kyle Anger, Pati Beachley, Christie Biber, Christopher Boring, Kathy Boykowycz, Kathleen Kas…

Just Say'n
November 24, 2017- January 27, 2018
Bottle Works, Johnstown, PA
Curated by Jill Larson
Featuring: Priya Ahlawat, Stefani Allegretti, Carol Amidi, Kyle Anger, Pati Beachley, Christie Biber, Christopher Boring, Kathy Boykowycz, Kathleen Kase Burk, Alan Byrne, Yang Cai, Sheila Cuellar-Shaffer, Christopher Duncan, Glen Gardner, Tyler Gaston, Judith Gentile, Amanda Gross, Claire Hardy, Annie Heisey, Robert Howsare, Lisa Bergant Koi, Joel Kranich, Seth LeDonne, Christine Lorenz, Mary B. Mason, Richard McWherter, Joseph Noderer, Desiree Palermo, Mark Panza, William D. Pfahl, Linda Price-Sneddon, Kathleen Rearick, George Roland, Elizabeth Rose, Nicole Renee Ryan, Janice Schuler, Brain Sesack, Phiris Kathryn Sickels, Martha Hopkins Skarlinski, Kathryn Scimone Stanko, Sheila Swartz, Gary Swartzel, Paige Tibbe, Kristin Turcsanyi, Paula Weiner, Charlotte Zalewsky and Kathleen Zimbicki

The Color of Being November 16- December 14, 2017 Tomayko Gallery, Lawrence Hall, Point Park University Curated by Jen Melvin Featuring: Annie Heisey and Ashley Garner

The Color of Being
November 16- December 14, 2017
Tomayko Gallery, Lawrence Hall, Point Park University
Curated by Jen Melvin
Featuring: Annie Heisey and Ashley Garner

If a Tree Falls October 17- November 14, 2017 Tomayko Gallery, Lawrence Hall, Point Park University Curated by Hannah Altman Featuring: Mary Weidner and Katie Ott

If a Tree Falls
October 17- November 14, 2017
Tomayko Gallery, Lawrence Hall, Point Park University
Curated by Hannah Altman
Featuring: Mary Weidner and Katie Ott

Electric Kool-Aid October 5- November 26, 2017 The Brew House Association Curated by Corey Carrington Featuring: Priya Ahlawat, Patricia Barefoot, Pati Beachley, Christie Biber, Kathy Boykowycz, Lauren Braun, Yang Cai, Ron Copeland, Sheila Cuellar-S…

Electric Kool-Aid
October 5- November 26, 2017
The Brew House Association
Curated by Corey Carrington
Featuring: Priya Ahlawat, Patricia Barefoot, Pati Beachley, Christie Biber, Kathy Boykowycz, Lauren Braun, Yang Cai, Ron Copeland, Sheila Cuellar-Shaffer, Brendan Donovan, Christopher Duncan, Ashley Garner, Annie Heisey, Ryder Henry, Lori Hepner, Robert Howsare, Seth LeDonne, Lesla, Ken Merget, Clayton Merrell, Marina Mozhayeva, Desiree Palermo, Mark Panza, Linda Price-Sneddon, Jack Puglisi, Janice Schuler, Phiris Kathryn Sickels, Louise Silk, Joyce Werwie Perry, and Kathleen Zimbicki

Contemporaneous September 27- October 21, 2017 Alphabet City Development Curated by Tara Fay Featuring: Pati Beachley, Dee Briggs, Zhiwan Cheung, Oreen Cohen, Ron Copeland, Sarika Goulatia, John A. Mayer, Gary Pyles, Dafna Rehavia, Patrick Schmidt, …

September 27- October 21, 2017
Alphabet City Development
Curated by Tara Fay
Featuring: Pati Beachley, Dee Briggs, Zhiwan Cheung, Oreen Cohen, Ron Copeland, Sarika Goulatia, John A. Mayer, Gary Pyles, Dafna Rehavia, Patrick Schmidt, and Gray Swartzel

In Conversation September 15- October 15, 2017 Tomayko Gallery, Lawrence Hall, Point Park University Curated by Njaimeh Njie Featuring: Nicole Renee Ryan and Theresa Antonellis

In Conversation
September 15- October 15, 2017
Tomayko Gallery, Lawrence Hall, Point Park University
Curated by Njaimeh Njie
Featuring: Nicole Renee Ryan and Theresa Antonellis

Entity September 14– October 28, 2017 Artsmiths of Pittsburgh Curated by Jill Larson Featuring: Hyla Urbany, Carol Amidi, John Eastman, Glen. Gardner, Dee Briggs, Robert Howsare, John Fox, Pati Beachley, Carolyn Frischling, Lori Hepner, Timothy Kell…

September 14– October 28, 2017
Artsmiths of Pittsburgh
Curated by Jill Larson
Featuring: Hyla Urbany, Carol Amidi, John Eastman, Glen. Gardner, Dee Briggs, Robert Howsare, John Fox, Pati Beachley, Carolyn Frischling, Lori Hepner, Timothy Kelley, Josh Mitchel, Marina Mozhayeva, Dafna Rehavia, Sheila Swartz, Paula Weiner, and Kathleen Zimbicki

Speak for Yourself September 7- October 10, 2017 Framehouse & Jask Gallery Curator Sean Beauford Featuring: Hannah Altman, Angela Biederman, Christopher Boring, Nick Childers, Oreen Cohen, Brendan Donovan, Jamie Earnest, John Eastman, Christina …

Speak for Yourself
September 7- October 10, 2017
Framehouse & Jask Gallery
Curator Sean Beauford
Featuring: Hannah Altman, Angela Biederman, Christopher Boring, Nick Childers, Oreen Cohen, Brendan Donovan, Jamie Earnest, John Eastman, Christina Fisher, Ashley Garner, Tyler Gaston, Doreen Grasso, Annie Heisley, Heather Heitzenrater, Robert Howsare, Nathan Hufford, Allison Jones, Timothy Kelley, Joshua Kosker, Laura Krasnow, Tony Landolina, Lesla, Kenneth Nicholson, Joseph Noderer, Katie Ott, Kathleen Rearick, Patrick Schmidt, Ben Schonberger, Jonathan Schwarz, Sheila Swartz, Zachariah Szabo, Paige Tibbe, Rodney Trice, and Barbara Westman

Laurie Barnes July 8- November 2, 2017 Pittsburgh International Airport

Laurie Barnes
July 8- November 2, 2017
Pittsburgh International Airport

Lisa Bergant Koi May 11- June 5, 2017 Tomayko Gallery, Lawrence Hall, Point Park University

Lisa Bergant Koi
May 11- June 5, 2017
Tomayko Gallery, Lawrence Hall, Point Park University

Control is an Illusion May 3- May 27, 2017 Mine Factory Curated by Christine Smith Featuring: Carol Amidi, Kyle Anger, Theresa Antonellis, Patricia Barefoot, Seth Clark, Christopher Duncan, Cystal Latimer, Patti Menick, Kara Snyder, and Carolyn Wenn…

Control is an Illusion
May 3- May 27, 2017
Mine Factory
Curated by Christine Smith
Featuring: Carol Amidi, Kyle Anger, Theresa Antonellis, Patricia Barefoot, Seth Clark, Christopher Duncan, Cystal Latimer, Patti Menick, Kara Snyder, and Carolyn Wenning

Gary Jurysta April 14- May 6, 2017 Tomayko Gallery, Lawrence Hall, Point Park University

Gary Jurysta
April 14- May 6, 2017
Tomayko Gallery, Lawrence Hall, Point Park University

Contemplating Others April 5- April 29, 2017 FrameHouse & Jask Gallery Curated by Sean Beauford Featuring: Sheila Cuellar-Shaffer, Sarika Goulatia, Crystal Latimer, Penny Mateer, and Samira Shaheen

Contemplating Others
April 5- April 29, 2017
FrameHouse & Jask Gallery
Curated by Sean Beauford
Featuring: Sheila Cuellar-Shaffer, Sarika Goulatia, Crystal Latimer, Penny Mateer, and Samira Shaheen

Michael Walsh March 30- June 27, 2017 Pittsburgh International Airport

Michael Walsh
March 30- June 27, 2017
Pittsburgh International Airport