mutual understanding
Mutual Understanding will showcase the work of Judith Musser and Adrienne Heinrich, curated by Jennifer Panza. On view August 2 - September 30.
Opening reception August 4th, 2:00-5:00PM at Touchstone Center for Crafts.
Curator’s Statement:
"When I first met Judith Musser and Adrienne Heinrich I knew I would be impressed by their talents and experience. However, meeting them and seeing what they have done sheds light on the creative needs and desires we all crave to express. Some may find their outlet in various other forms but here it is expressed in painting, collage, and sculpture. Mutual feelings between the artists can be found even though expression may be very personal.
Their artworks and chosen mediums while unique to them as individuals are relatable in that their own creative evolutions shine forth. One method may seem calculated while the other random. However, I get the sense that each object holds a tangible and metaphorical personal memory or attachment.
When visiting Judith’s studio, she shared with me that her life and experiences have allowed her to evolve both personally and in her art. Feelings and memories are attached in her work titled Duet. The couple reminds Judith of her and her late husband together. Conversely, when I asked Adrienne why she had chosen a particular object to float inside the rubber, she replied “I don’t know, I just like them.” As our conversation continued, memories and attachments to the objects arose, such as the skull given to her by a good friend in the work titled Woman in Pain. Vicky Clark was on point when she wrote about Adrienne in her 2002 Artist of the Year Catalog, “The process of looking at her work replicates her process of making sense of the world.” I agree as I look at the work of Judith Musser as well.
Judith and Adrienne guide us through layers of feeling, memory, and personal attachments, gravitating us further in thought and appreciation with their ingenious way of utilizing both grace and power in their execution.
I remain in awe of their talent and uniqueness. It has been a great honor to get to know them at their studios and through their artwork."
Jennifer Panza