Evan Rumble: August 2022
Evan (he/him/his) is a Pittsburgh-based mixed-media artist and art educator. His artwork is a translation of the experiences, observations, and criticisms of the American educational system.
Evan was raised on a sheep farm in Washington-state and graduated from Western Washington University in 2015 as a Presidential Scholar. Since 2017, Evan has been a teacher and practicing artist in Pittsburgh, PA. As an educator he has experience in urban, suburban, and rural schools at all classroom levels; he predominantly specializes in studio arts, ceramics, and animation.
Evan involves students from local schools and colleges in the planning and fabrication of some of his artworks and projects. He has partnered with arts organizations and schools to host artists-in-residence in classrooms of his own and others. He is a member of Associated Artists of Pittsburgh and Radiant Hall Studios. Evan typically shows his work in the Pittsburgh-area and the surrounding region.
Using a combination of found-object assemblage, collage, painting, and drawing, I create large format two-dimensional works, sculptures, and installations that visually and thematically highlight shortcomings in education. My work critiques and connects to issues inside of—and adjacent to—the educational system in America.
Often these ideas originate from images and artifacts associated with schools, students, and learning: a mark from a crayon or a desk from a classroom for example. Additionally, I pull themes from my own experiences and observations from inside the education system. I am deeply inspired by my interactions with students as well as the political, social, and economic climate in our communities; these two constituents, students and their community, cannot be detached. This work acts as both a platform for advocating for educational rights as well as an outlet to explore my own understanding and values as an educator, artist, and human being.
11 Sep 2022 - 15 Jan 2023
Art of the State, State Museum of Pennsylvania, Harrisburg, PA
6 Oct 2022
Installation project for Radiant Hall 10th Anniversary Event: Radiant Ball, McKees Rocks, PA
9 Nov 2022 - 3 Feb 2023
Through the Mask: Conversations about Culture & Covid, McCarl Coverlet Gallery, Saint Vincent College, Latrobe, PA
One of my large-format paintings—Finger-painting of Wild Fire—has been on display at the new Eighth & Penn Apartment Building in downtown Pittsburgh until the end of August.