Craft Research Fund Grant - Center for Craft (Due Oct 4)

Craft Research Fund Grant - Center for Craft
Deadline: October 4th, 2024

The Craft Research Fund is the Center’s first and longest-running grant program dedicated to supporting new and interdisciplinary research about craft in the United States. Since 2005, the program has supported 244 projects in 40 states, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia by distributing over $1,900,000. Grants up to $15,000.

Funded research must be completed within the designated timeline as proposed in the recipient application. Incomplete projects will result in the awardee having to rescind funds. Awardees will not be eligible to apply for a Center for Craft grant or fellowship opportunity in the future if the project remains incomplete.

Seventy percent (70%) of the grant funds will be distributed upon the return of a signed grant agreement form between the Center for Craft and the recipient and receipt of the recipient’s W9.

Thirty percent (30%) of the grant funds will be distributed upon receipt of the recipient's final report and two copies of any publication produced as a result of the research grant award. Research and final reports must be completed in 18 months, with a deadline of August 30, 2026. If there is no publication, then applicants must provide a copy of the completed research in full. The final report should include:

  • 3-5 images relating to the research

  • Please include attendance and audience engagement numbers from conferences, workshops, symposiums, and exhibitions associated with funded research.

  • Project/Exhibition narrative and research outcome

  • Budget report

Recipients will acknowledge support from the Center for Craft by including the tag “This research was supported by a Craft Research Fund grant from the Center for Craft” in any publications or presentations resulting from the grant.

To learn more and apply, click here.

Isaac Pleta